We are Proud of Each and Everyone in Our Community
Here is what they have to say about Inside Out Recovery:

M.B. (27)
I have been coming to Inside Out for a few months and have known about it for a few years. There have been good things that have happened to me since I’ve gotten clean; I feel better about myself, I feel healthier, I have gotten a job. Everything has just changed for the better for me since I have gotten clean. I’m going to meetings and staying focused on doing step work and being around my sponsor, not around negative people in my life. The seeking safety groups are really helping me out, especially the grounding and safe coping skills that I didn’t know about before, and the one on one peer counseling. I have lost a number of family members to addiction and I have been heading down that same path for years, I feel like Inside Out is the right place for me to be.
A.T.-age 45, came in through a Probation and Parole referral. He was sent in to do groups. He would come to group
high and he was always on the street high all the time. His girlfriend almost died and this prompted him to start
coming in to groups more. When he first came to groups, he came in so high his head would hit the table sometimes.
He started limiting his drug and alcohol use. He says that since he started these groups he has quit using for 13 days!
He has never been sober over 3 days in the last 30 years. These groups are helping him to see that hope is possible.
He may get discouraged. but he comes in to speak with Roman and attends groups and he is working hard toward
sobriety. Recently, his trailer burned down when he was in it. He kept coming to groups and is not falling back into
extreme substance abuse due to crisis. He is aware that he needs to leave drugs and alcohol to have a better life. He
is trying very hard.

A.T. (45)

W.T. (52)
W.T.-age 52, came in to get utility assistance. He had a drinking problem and used cocaine. He requested utility assistance and started to come to the groups. He said that the groups helped him and he quit drinking. He is now a regular group attender and doing quite well. His life is reflecting the principles that he learns in group, including not allowing people to stay at his home who are using. He doesn’t have a car he takes the bus from Ohkay Owingeh to come to groups.
E.F.-age 48, came in as a client to get food and then he started doing individual peer support. He would bring in other people to get services as well. He would sit in the groups with these people, denying that he had issues. Eventually, he started to warm up and participate in group. He started sharing about his own life and talking about his own struggles. He stopped denying and started working on self improvement. He has slowed down on his drinking, he has learned to deal with conflict instead of fighting with people like he used to, beating people up. His brother died of an OD lately and this has awakened him more instead of causing him going back into substance abuse. He has gotten more positive through the group participation.